Monday, March 2, 2009

Ian Davis code{4}lib keynote: data outlasts code

Ian Davis, CTO of Talis, posted the slides from his code4lib2009 keynote talk on slideshare. If you love something... set it free gives a very nicely done description of the motivation behind and hopes for the Semantic Web.

Code{4}lib is a conference series and community focused on the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future. code4lib2009 was held this week in Providence, hosted by the Brown University Library.

Ian's talk contained three conjectures, the first of which I especially liked:
  • Conjecture 1: Data outlasts code
  • Conjecture 2: There is more structured data in the world than unstructured
  • Conjecture 3: Most of the value in our data will be unexpected and unintended
(h/t Danny Ayers)

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